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Squad : 700 #Cybersecurity and #DevSecOps experts who live and breathe growth and wellbeing

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Reducing the scope for potential attacks and mitigating their impacts are the main cybersecurity issues
Be resilient: choose SQUAD!

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Shorter Time to Market, more agile Information Systems: Switch to DevOps, then add security (DevSecOps).
Be agile: choose SQUAD!

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Confiez-nous vos projets de Build and Run pour sécuriser vos infrastructures IT & OT grâce à l’expertise de

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25 professions
70 clients
1000 missions per year
12 agencies
700 experts

About Squad

Squad has experienced “stratospheric” growth since it was founded in 2011, achieving almost 65 million euros in turnover in 2021 and joining the Top 10 specialist Cybersecurity businesses.

Squad supports its key account clients in France, Canada and Switzerland from its 12 agencies in Paris, Lille,  Aix-en-Provence, Sophia Antipolis, Toulouse, Bordeaux, Rennes, Lyon and Nantes in France, Montreal in Canada, Adelaide in Australia and Geneve in Switzerland.

At Squad, quality of life in the workplace isn’t imposed, it’s natural, which is why every team member is selected both for their technical and their soft skills. Commitment to quality of service, team spirit and a collaborative culture are our core values.

Squad Blog

The Expert

How to detect anomalies with Machine Learning? (3/3)

Wrote by Wassim B., Cybersecurity Expert SQUAD As illustrated in Figure 2, the proposed anomaly …

Background on time series modeling and forecasting (2/3)

Time series modeling carefully collects and studies the past observations expressed as a time series …

AWS S3M Pattern: 5 Steps to tie Serverless & Microservice …

Wrote by Naoufal E., Cloud Expert Making serverless architectures tied to microservices architectures on the …

Introduction to Machine learning (1/3)

Wrote by Wassim B., Cybersecurity Expert SQUAD Nowadays, network Functions Virtualization (NFV) [1] and Cloud-native …

AWS S3M Pattern: 5 Steps to tie Serverless & Microservice …

Wrote by Naoufal E., Cloud Expert Making serverless architectures tied to microservices architectures on the …


Yoann Moreau, Squad: "each company needs to build a cybersecurity …

Many companies are still assuming that cybercriminals only target large-scale organizations. Today, threat actors don’t …

Ansible project : how to contribute ?

Because we find Ansible, just awesome, we would like to share our experience about contributing …